Diabetic foot ulceration

Diabetic foot ulceration occurs commonly in patients with diabetes, as a result of disease pathology that increases the risk of neuropathy and/or peripheral arterial disease.
The risk of diabetic foot ulceration can be reduced with good glycaemic control, regular foot assessment, screening, appropriate footwear, patient education, and early referral for pre-ulcerative lesions.
Good diabetes management and support for self-management is important for the prevention of all complications of diabetes, including foot problems.
Prompt referral to a multidisciplinary team specialising in the diabetic foot for surgical care, revascularisation and rehabilitation is vital in the presence of foot ulceration and signs of infection, sepsis or ischaemia.

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Diabetic foot ulceration
e-learning module

It is estimated that one in four people with diabetes will have a diabetic foot ulcer during their lives, as a result of a combination of diabetes-related complications. Development of infection in a diabetic foot ulcer may be limb- or life-threatening. However, with good diabetes management and regular assessment this can be prevented.

Module details
Diabetic foot ulceration e-learning module