Registration and exhibition
Opening remarks
by Helen Shoker, clinical director, Wound Care Today
and introduction of conference chair
Paul Vaughan, national deputy director, community and primary care nursing, NHS England
Motivational session: Stand up and thrive
Harriet Beveridge, author of the bestselling book, 'Will It Make The Boat Go Faster? Olympic-Winning Strategies for Everyday Success', and has over twenty years' experience helping individuals and teams achieve exceptional performance while also thriving
Manchester Amputation Reduction Strategy (MARS)
This session looks at how the MARS levelled up wound care to the diabetes standard and reduced amputations by 46% within six years
Naseer Ahmad, consultant vascular surgeon, Manchester University Foundation Trust, clinical director, Manchester Amputation Reduction Strategy (MARS) and Greater Manchester aneurysm screening programme
Personalised care
Lesley Thompson, Year of Care national trainer and facilitator, Northumberland NHS Trust
Questions from the audience
Lunch / exhibition / skills zones
Welcome, introduction to afternoon sessions
Paul Vaughan, deputy director, Primary Care Nursing and NextGen Nurse, NHS England
First-time speaker sessions
14.10–14.22 Development of a hot clinic to provide rapid and specialised vascular assessment for patients at risk of limb loss due to ischaemia
Lauren Lynch, lead vascular nurse, University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
14.22–14.34 Don’t let my heart fail my legs: a QI approach for management of patients with combined heart failure and leg ulcers
Antonia Laoumtzi, tissue viability nurse, Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
14.34–14.46 Cold agglutinin disease: a case report
Justine Hendley, tissue viability nurse, University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
Questions from the audience
Break / exhibition / skills zones
16.00 –16.20
Kinesio in wound care
Clare Anvar, clinical massage specialist, clinical therapy advisor for Lipoedema UK
I don’t care, if you don’t care
This session will discuss inclusion of mental-health screening and the role of clinical psychology services in the multidisciplinary pathway for the care of patients with lower limb wounds and share the impact that this has had on the service
Andrew Sharpe, advanced podiatrist, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust
Summary/evaluation of today's conference
Exhibition opens
Welcome and open of day two
Paul Vaughan, national deputy director, community and primary care nursing, NHS England
Free paper sessions
09.10–09.20 Muscle pump activation in a non-healing wound post-necrotising fasciitis
Lauren Thorpe, clinical nurse specialist for wound care; Naiomie Lonsdale, wound healing staff nurse, both at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust (community group)
09.20–09.30 Wound care education: how to ignite passion in the workforce?
Georgina Rostron, tissue viability nurse, Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Role of clinical psychology in wound healing
Dr Sula Windgassen, health psychologist, CBT therapist and EMDR therapist
Break / exhibition / skills zones
Scar tissue: the unavoidable consequence of wound healing
A look at scar tissue and self-care advice for scars from a clinical scar specialist.
Emma Holly, educator and clinical scar specialist, Restore Therapy Ltd
What does self-management mean for people living with wounds
This session will talk about self-management, what this actually means, and how simple but effective it is in clinical practice. Stephanie will also share, from her experience, the impact it has on clinicians and service users.
Stephanie Lowen, national self-management specialist, director, Self Management Consulting Ltd
Questions from the audience
Lunch / exhibition / skills zones
Outcomes data, the multidisciplinary team member we all need
Jacqui Hughes, senior fellow, Higher Education Academy; Helen Shoker, lead nurse, wound care pathways, University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
Frailty and skin tears
This session will explore the link between frailty as a medical syndrome, the skin and skin tears. How one integrated care board is working to reduce this skin harm will also be shared.
Heidi Sandoz, tissue viability nurse, Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust; independent tissue viability consultant, Ferita Consultancy Services
Un(covering) the malignant wound
International speaker: Sara Carvalhal, surgical oncologist, melanoma, sarcoma and peritoneal malignancy unit wound care team
Questions from the audience
Summary / evaluation and close of conference