Welcome: Ed Rusling, CEO, Wound Care People Ltd
9:20am – 10.00am
Practical tips to stay in shape while working from home: Owain Evans, D.C MChiro, Clinical Director, Backspace.
In this session chiropractor Owain will use his wealth of experience in treating work-related posture problems to provide practical tips on how to keep in good shape while home working.
10.00am –10.15am
10:15am – 11:15am
Facing challenges and opportunities: Ben Hunt-Davis, MBE, Olympic Gold Medallist, including Q&As
Ben, one of the world’s leading keynote speakers, shares his inspiring, motivational story of a team who turned around their performance and, against the odds, defeated the Australians on the Olympic lake of Sydney 2000. Ben will tailor his speech to some of the industry-specific challenges and opportunities being faced today.
11:15am - 11:45am
11:45am – 12:45pm
The High-Performance Mindset: Jamie MacPherson, High Performance Expert & Coach, with Ben Hunt-Davis.
Jamie describes how to set motivational and measurable goals and how to keep them at the forefront of everything you do. This in turn will create a laser-like focus which will help you to deliver your very best performance in a sustainable and consistent way.
Focusing on performance in order to get results: understand what goes into the results you are achieving and what is needed to raise the bar.
Working together effectively: how to utilise and collaborate with those around you in the most effective way to gain results as a team.
12:45pm – 2:00pm
Lunch break
2:00pm – 2:45pm
Olympic Winning Beliefs, Motivation and Attitude: Jamie MacPherson, High Performance Expert & Coach, with Ben Hunt-Davis.
Building beliefs: in order to gain momentum, we need to know that we are capable of what we are aiming to achieve.
Motivation: gain a greater understanding of ‘what floats your boat’ and what gets you out of bed each morning, and how to link that to your goals.
Control the Controllables: when things don’t go to plan, learn how to remain focused on what’s inside your control, to allow you to bounce back quicker and stronger.
2:45pm – 3:00pm:
3:00pm – 3:45pm
Getting The Best Out of you and your Team: Kate & Helen Richardson-Walsh, GB Hockey, Olympic Gold Medallists.
Kate & Helen share their story of remarkable Olympic success in Rio 2016. They will focus on the culture and awareness that enabled their team to win Gold and to improve how they performed each day
3:45pm – 4.00pm
Wrap Up & Close by Ben Hunt-Davis