Learning zone
These e-learning modules were developed independently by Wound Care Today and count towards your revalidation or CPD. We were able to create these modules with the support of our industry partners.
Biofilm is thought to be present in all chronic wounds. Understanding what biofilm is and how to manage it is…
Chronic oedema
Chronic oedema, swelling that has been present for 3 months or longer, has multiple causes and can have a negative…
Debridement is a key component of wound bed preparation for acute and chronic wounds because it helps to improve conditions…
Debrisoft family module
Explore all the main features and benefits and find out how to use Debrisoft® Lolly and Debrisoft® Pads.
Diabetic foot ulceration
It is estimated that one in four people with diabetes will have a diabetic foot ulcer during their lives, as…
Flaminal® is an enzyme alginogel® for the treatment of slightly, moderately and highly exuding wounds, and wounds at risk of…
Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disease occurring in often otherwise healthy adolescents and adults.
Identifying and managing wound pain
Pain associated with chronic wounds can affect quality of life and have a major impact on physical, emotional and cognitive…
KytoCel® harnesses the natural properties of chitosan to uniquely manage moderately to heavily exuding wounds
Leg ulceration
A venous leg ulcer is an open lesion below the knee that occurs in the presence of venous…
Moisture associated skin damage (MASD)
Moisture-associated skin damage (MASD) is an umbrella term for four types of MASD, namely; incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD), intertriginous dermatitis (ID),…
Moisture associated skin damage (MASD) - English
Moisture-associated skin damage (MASD) is an umbrella term for four types of MASD, namely; incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD), intertriginous dermatitis (ID),…
Negative pressure wound therapy
The use of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy has the potential to heal complex wounds, manage wound symptoms and improve patient…
Oxygen therapy
Oxygen and an adequate blood supply are critical for effective wound healing. For the healing of damaged tissue, there is…
Patient experience
Living with a wound is not just about having an injury which requires treatment, it can also cause life-changing events.…
Pressure area care
Education for pressure ulcer assessment and prevention is essential to ensure that patients receive safe, effective, harm-free care. Aligning an…
Products in practice: Suprasorb®
Suprasorb® Liquacel Pro is a soft, absorbent primary wound dressing used to manage exudate. When it comes into contact with…
ReadyWrap module
Explore all the main features and benefits and find out how to use ReadyWrap®.
Skin tears
Skin tears are acute/traumatic wounds which commonly occur in those with fragile skin. While not always avoidable, they are considered…
Sorbsan® is a sterile, non-woven, natural calcium alginate wound dressing derived from seaweed. It is high in mannuronic acid and…
Vascular assessment
Vascular assessment, commonly using ABPI, is critical to determine if peripheral arterial disease is present before treatment with compression therapy.…
Wound bed preparation
Wound bed preparation guides the preparation the bed of wounds healing by secondary intention, for healing or further treatment. TIMES…
Wound exudate
Exudate is produced as a normal part of wound healing. However, in excess volume or with chronicity, it can become…
Wound infection
Wound infection can pose a significant challenge to healthcare professionals, as it can delay healing and increase pain, exudate volume…