News article topics: Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT)
Date: 29 May 2018

KCI established Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) and has been leading the way ever since. Our proprietary SENSAT.R.A.C.™ Technology makes V.A.C.® Therapy the only NPWT device engineered to monitor and adjust for any changes in pressure at the wound site. This proprietary technology is one of the major reasons why clinical studies with a variety of wound types have shown that V.A.C.® Therapy is associated with clinical benefits such as:
- Lowered incidence of re-admission, additional surgeries and complications
- Reduced amputation rates
- Reduced time to heal
- Reduced incidence of surgical dehiscence and infection
Other manufacturer’s may claim that all NPWT is the same but do they have their own data to support those claims?