Every Moment Matters.

Leg ulcers affect a large number of patients, many of whom will suffer from recurrence. It’s therefore essential that we look for ways to enable patients to manage and care for themselves, to promote their independence and reduce the hours spent on care whilst improving outcomes. The NHS has set big goals for 2020 and, as a key decision maker, you have the opportunity to make changes today that will benefit our healthcare system tomorrow. 

While the saying ‘time is a great healer’ might be true for some conditions, when it comes to leg ulcers, every moment matters. That’s why, at L&R, we’re driving awareness about the importance of timely and effective intervention and supporting healthcare organisations to make every moment count. 
Atkin and Tickle developed the leg ulcer treatment algorithm in 2016. This was then adopted by the Best Practice Statement for the Holistic Management of Leg Ulceration (Wounds UK 2016), which provides clinicians with guidance on diagnosis and appropriate compression selection for VLU. It also demonstrates exactly where self-care has to sit in order to work.

Our mission is to support healthcare organisations in adopting the key principles of the Best Practice Statement, including the Leg Ulcer Treatment Algorithm, in order to improve clinical outcomes and patient experience. To see how an organisation has transformed their outcomes using this approach click here.

We, at L&R aim to support the implementation of the leg ulcer treatment algorithm and assist the NHS in three key areas:
  1. Driving the timely assessment of leg ulcers to prevent chronicity and improve outcomes. The Leg Ulcer Treatment Algorithm has been updated to include the evidence of the EVRA trial (Gohel et al, 2018) and now more clearly signposts to vascular to promote early assessment and prevention. 
  2. Enabling rapid and safe debridement to facilitate healing, while improving dressing selection e.g. the TIMES Wound Assessment Tool Quick Guide
  3. Supporting safe, clinically proven and cost-effective compression selection. Click here to see how we can help you simplify compression hosiery selection with the L&R Hosiery Selector App and online sizer.
Get in touch
Please contact us if you wish to find out more information on support implementing the leg ulcer treatment algorithm, our product solutions or for further training on our product. We have a dedicated Custom Solutions team happy to take your call: 
tel: 08450 606 707
email: customersolutions@uk.lrmed.com

Or, visit: www.Lohmann-Rauscher.co.uk to find out more!

The Impact

NHS organisations from across the UK are adopting this approach to leg ulcer management with our support and are truly transforming the lives of their patients. Alison Schofield recently wrote a blog on the impact implementing the Leg Ulcer Treatment Algorithm has had in her trust.

Atkin and Critchley (2017) have also had these results from implementing the Leg Ulcer Treatment Pathway:
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Pledge to make a difference

Clinicians from across the UK have been making pledges on… 

“Because Every Moment Matters to me and my patients with venous leg ulcers. I pledge to…” 

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The L&R Solution

L&R products promote a simple and systematic approach for the efficient and effective management of leg ulcers, with solutions for every stage in the healing journey. To see our full product range click here.

Our approach to venous leg ulcer treatment is underpinned by the Best Practice Statement for Holistic Management of Venous Leg Ulceration (Wounds UK, 2016).

Get in touch

Please contact us if you wish to find out more information on support implementing the leg ulcer treatment algorithm, our product solutions or for further training on our products. We have a dedicated customer care team happy to take your call: Tel. 08450 606 707 Email: customercare@uk.lrmed.com 

Visit: www.Lohmann-Rauscher.co.uk to find out more!