Smith+Nephew is dedicated to supporting healthcare professionals in reducing the human and economic cost of wounds through the provision of high quality products, medical education and services. Experience our new products and engage with our clinical experts to explore our range of services:
- FORMEO: the web-based non-prescription ordering service
- National Wound Club events
- Audit programmes such as Practice Development Toolkits, SNAP Audits and Hard 2 Heal wounds
- Tailored outcomes-based-contracts for your Trust & teams
- Key Education Leader programmes
See how we can support you to improve outcomes with our innovative products, so we can work together to consistently strive to create value for you and your patients.
At Smith & Nephew, we believe it’s T.I.M.E1,2 for something new. Find out how our new products, services and innovative plan-on-a-page (POP) tool, developed in partnerships with nurses and specialist wound care clinicians, can assist in selecting the right treatment to help you get CLOSER TO ZERO◊ delay in wound healing.