Wound Care Today conference: 6-7 March 2024 

Did you join us in Milton Keynes for the UK’s leading free wound care conference?

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Meet colleagues and network with others working in wound care from across the UK, WCT is known for its friendly and open atmosphere.


Why attend?

Partipate in the UK’s largest wound care conference.

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Conference programme  


Conference programme

See the programme


We are thrilled with the range of speakers joining us, and the sessions on offer. We know that you can expect an inspiring and thought-provoking conference, all coming together to focus on our conference theme, having a positive impact: make what you do count.page



Speaker gallery


Speaker gallery

Meet our speakers

We have a wonderful line-up of speakers for 2024. Our Speaker Gallery showcases all of the speakers attending.



Exhibition and skills zones


Exhibition and skills zones

Skills Zones at WCT

Exhibiting industry partners will be announced in the autumn. We are also pleased that our hugely popular skills zones will be back in 2024, with practical, hands-on clinical sessions.

For a flavour of what to expect, visit our past conferences page